This dates from 1951-66 and the poor house was in a terrible way when we got it. It was so bad the lady seller agreed to post it as it couldnt possibly sustain any further damage on its journey. It is a miracle it had so many original features left. Most of the windows, although some were yellowed with age and the door. The worse damage was to the front and the door, some chemical or another had been spilled down the front and gone very brittle. We had such a job cleaning that off.

Internally the paper was all intact apart from the floor and it needed a good lick of paint. This one is an unusual shade of blue so we took one of the doors and got it colour matched. Then I worked my charm and painted on the exterior flowers while John laboriously made some windows. We salvaged those we could and sadly had to abandon the door but he made a replica. The roof was completely missing so we worked out the shape and made a new one, papered it in the same sytle tiled paper that it would have had originally.

This lovely little house has gone to a new home now and I really miss it but when the feeling gets too bad I remind myself that it is another wonderful mini home saved from the tip, hopefully to give pleasure for years and years to come.
If you've an old house of your granny's tucked away in the loft, remember we take on commissions.
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